im a young adult with no future and i have no help support or friends,i tried taking my life last year and i ended up throwing up and choking it was awful and i think i got lucky,i then i tried again and failed,and now i think im honestly going to go even further then i have before,i use several different sites to come on and unload but people either don’t care or they think im a teenager,i know the best people can do is tell me to reach out but they don’t understand that the mental health system has failed me and that i can’t afford much,and for some reason every mental health professional ive seen seems to not care or dislike me,i do have a family its just us thought and if i did it i think my mother might suffer maybe im not certain because are family is so messed up and i feel no emotional bond with any of them,they know as well about how feel and that i tried to end my life and they chose not to do anything,i don’t know honestly why someone like me was born into this world,ive tried to reach out but society doesn’t want to help me,im just waiting to muster up the courage because as much as i do wan’t to die its also really scary especially with the way im trying to do it i know what could happen if it goes wrong.
Unlovedsoul, don’t try again. How old are you? It is an important question because it changes what you can do before trying to end it all again. I think you may be at school yet and that maybe you can’t make big changes in your life yet, but things do change if you can wait a little longer.
As we say here: you matter, even if you can’t see it now. But time is important. You already tried two times. Rest for a while. Take this idea away of your head for a few weeks. Stop caring about everyone and everything else and rest. Maybe you are just tired. Don’t worry about having friends, don’t worry about your family. Worry about you.
But what you should try, is to find out if your problem has something to do with your internal chemistry. Can you get some professional help?
Were here to talk if u need to unload dude life hard I no but as people tell me things change nothing stays the same one reason I’m hanging around I tired twice early this year u alway got it as I second option is how I see it if things don’t get better
You have to get to the point where you fear living more than death. The fear of living will increase the more hopeless and unfixable your life becomes. So until that happens we have to wait. Wait until we pass the threshold of where living is no longer desirable at all. As for method, the best ones are immediate, painless, and/or failsafe. If there’s at least a 50% chance of failing and ending up being saved, then that way is too risky and probably no good. Just take a moment to…reflect on your future. Is there the slightest hope of relief, improvement, or happiness? If there is, live longer. Being pessimistic, I don’t see the point. But the fact that I still live is a testament to how much FEAR can imprison you somewhere you don’t want to be. Hopefully things will work out one day.
Maybe find inspiration. 3000 people suicide each day according to Google. Kurt Cobain’s happens to inspire me.