Its been a while since I have smiled and actually meant it. It had been so long since I smiled, it hurt to smile for at least 10 seconds. Now my face hurts. It feels great to smile, but now it hurts. I’ve missed smiling, and laughing. It felt like I was actually alive for once. Why don’t I smile anymore, oh right, because there is nothing worth a smile for. But today it happened. But by tomorrow it’s back to how it was before.
Well, what made you smile today? If nothing is worth smiling for, then why did you do it today?
I recommend that you try really hard and think about what make you smile, and write down a list. So when you feel like smiling, you know what to look for.
Me, for example, well, I don’t smile much. Not lately. Yesterday a little girl on the street was looking at me, and I tried to smile at her and I couldn’t. That made me feel awful, like I have reached a new level of broken. But a few minutes later I saw a cute dog, and I smiled. Weird, I know. i wasn’t even trying, I just smiled. So I made a mental note to remember that I can smile.
I’m sure you’ll find reasons to smile as well. If not, please, search for gifs or videos of Misha Collins smiling. I swear, his smile is the most contagious thing in the world.
Double zero I should hire you as institutionalised …like when feeling down you will pop up out of nowhere and say somthing good and i can go on with my day.
Inspirationallist* sorry my bad
Well, I’m really flattered, but you don’t need to hire me. Just contact me and I’ll do my best to cheer you up.
First a smile, then a laugh… 🙂
The Latin word for smile and laugh is the same. It’s Ridere and It’s where the word ridiculous comes from.
Hey, a fellow Latin nerd! I am not alone! 🙂
Smiling is ridiculous
Hi Kat, Yay! I’m sure many people here are thinking of you so you are never alone in thought.
Aww, thanks man. And yeah, I hope so. (About that second part, anyway, I’m sure of the first.)
@ PPP Lol, well played.