I am a bit off, when I was younge my father raped me. But I do not hate my father for rapeing me or making me watch porn, I am a bit up set for not being able to be completely innocent but I do not hate my father , in fact I am abit sorry for him for being as perverted as me with the male gender. Ever since I can rember I have Dream of porn or sex dreams. I have dream of being abused and watching other people getting abused. At one point I felt horrible for having a dirty mind, I […]
Click on these, they get bigger
 Non Violent Relationship
   Cycle of Violence
These are called wheels of power, its to help see the bad type of power and control vs. a more healthy relationship. Just ignore the he/she part – abuse can happen from females or males, obviously. Â I was shown them at a crisis center. Maybe they can help someone.
I’m that guy that has been shit on more than anybody knows. Early days as a kid I was harassed daily and tormented by fellow classmates because of my mothers crack addiction. The only reason they knew was because their parents did drugs along with my mother. Was born with a bad foot which pretty much opted me out of any sports or doing well as I could. Shyness throughout the years was difficult to deal with as I learned to talk to females and learn what they wanted and what they saw. My father has been in prison all my life and haven’t read […]
I’m 19 years old and ever since I can remember, I felt rejected. My father did not show any love. Instead, he decided to have multiple affairs and leave me and my mother every night to satisfy his sick needs. How can he choose random females over his family?! I can remember one day trying to be involved in one of my fathers and older sisters conversations..he looked at me and told me to get away. Not having that love and affection from my father sent me out seeking it. At 11 years old I invited these 2 boys over which were friends but i […]
I want to start by saying that I’m quite damaged. Just like many I’ve been through some things. Lots of things. Complicated and simple. I have hope. But don’t take that so fully. Don’t eat it, sip it. Lasts longer. It’s early in the morning so I’ll do these in parts as I’m sleepy again. I hope you are able to find a ray of hope in each part.
I’m obviously still alive. Why? I do not know, but a spark is still with me. Whether I admit to it or not. It’s there. In middle school I had this spark when my grades were failing, […]
I’m starting to gain weight! I know that so many females (and some males) would dread this, but I can’t tell you how happy it makes me!
Before my life took a turn for the worse, I use to eat like a pig. I’d have up to 5th servings for everything and just seem to not stop eating. I’d exercise most of it off, but I was still large for my age. During the time when my depression was at it’s highest, I basically stopped eating and started trying to exercise a lot. As a result, I lost nearly half my body weight. Even as I started getting […]
I started drinking and smoking pot around age 12. before I went into puberty, Now i am 23 and my bones have not developed. My wrists and hands are smaller than most childrens. I also have gynocomastia (development of breasts due to hormonal imbalances). It seems my hormones are fucked. I have no sex drive and no ambition. Ive been rejected by many females for my feminine qualities. My father killed himself when i was 17, and all my life since then Ive just wanted to be a man and take care of myself and my family…now im developing into a fucking woman! I had […]
I am a victim if sexual abuse as a child . After blocking it out for so long, I came forward and the offender was jailed summer last year. Ever since I have felt numb and have no satisfaction from his sentencing. I feel that although he can no longer get to me or other females in the family. My life is already tarnished and I am ready to give up. Suicide has never been a true option for me untiltonight. I’ve called some helplines, shed some tears. But its no use.
the Queer
Sitting in school, watching. She is so perfect, as if you have finally seen someone you can really relate to. Trying to imagine getting up the courage to walk over and talk to her. Trying to find the guts to ask her out, the dance maybe….
And then it all crashes down.
Your brief fantasy of ever having a “normal” love life.
Sure, you crush on her from afar, but you are a girl too.
And that means being different, a freak, a sinner, a loner.
No matter where you go, your gayness will follow you, keeping you separate from everyone else. You feel […]
Depressed Hispanic ( my story, maybe your life is my life in another body)
Hi boys and girls, my name is Nathan. I suck and fail at life. I hate this bullshit, i’ve been struggling with this life for so long. I’m just 21 go to university, i’m studying to become an elementary school teacher. My intelligence is too low to get something higher than that. When i was little i was planning to become a doctor, i dreamed about being so many things but God made me a loser, he didn’t gave me a talent and that’s why no one is interested in me. I fail in everything but the worst is that my lack of talent is not the only reason, […]
I would start with a bit of information about me (age, interests, blah blah blah) but that is just ego and unimportant, lets get to the reason i’m feeling this way.
I feel so caged and alone, i have no friends, my only family member is my dad, i have no love interest in my life as i seem to always push most females away with my “clingyness” but people just won’t grasp that all I want is to be loved and cared for, if I meet a girl I like I treat them like a princess, like they are the only thing on this planet… […]