Anyone out there who could tell me how to hide cuts when wearing a swimsuit/top?
I cut myself mostly just on the shoulder to prevent that people see it because then I can wear at least most T-Shirts without any problem… But now I realized that it is WAY more problematic to hide them if I need to wear a swimsuit or whatsoever. On my wrists I can cover the cuts with bracelets and stuff like this, but how can I hide them on the shoulder? Without being noticeable? My family mustn’t see what I did, so does anyone has an advice for me?
Really feeling the urge to burn my shoulder with a lighter, past few days have been shit
Your skin, it’s so soft.
Your muscles, firm.
The smile on your face when you look down on me,
Running my fingers over your features.
Feeling yours against mine.
Being with you all night.
Your shoulder the perfect pillow.
Clutching the tags you always wear.
It’s so odd, how the color of your eyes change.
I thought I would never see them again.
I have those memories, yet if I lost you…
My reason for living,
It would also perish.
Take heart, my little friend
And push back your seat
Soon we’ll be far away
Far from the street
Where you learned how to be
Not what you are
Up on the shoulder
There is a town
With a little motel
And an old movie house
We’ll go to a movie
Whatever it is
Watching the movie
The world’s gonna end
And there ain’t no place for
A boy and his friend
To go
I’ll pick some daisies
From the flower bed
Of the galaxy theater
While you clear your head
I thought some daisies
Might cheer you up
Today was… An Okay Day.
That’s a little better. It’s better than what I’ve been feeling for the past 3 weeks.
I have less anger, less rage, less pain, less everything I’ve been feeling lately.
I feel safe for the first time in months. I’m less paranoid. Took a walk on my own with no fear. No need to constantly look over my shoulder and scrutinize every single person walking behind me. I felt free.
I smiled a genuine smile. I could feel it. It wasn’t forced or fake like the ones I’ve been giving. It was a real smile.
I don’t know what’s happening, […]
22, male suffering from emotional, mental and physical pain.
No real friends. They all left after high school and the ones I kept are either doing their own thing or gone separate ways. I don’t go out or socialize. If I do, it’s rare.
Riddled with anxiety. Can’t get a girlfriend, still a Virgin. Hopeless at talking to girls and developing new friendships or relationships. Good talk but never goes anywhere far. I’m seen as too nerdy or mature. I just hate how people view me as some sort of stranger.
Physical pain. Suffering from back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain. Can’t do anything physical anymore. Job involves […]
A stranger approached me the other day. It was the early hours of the morning and my partner and I were standing outside a takeaway, waiting for our food.
The stanger tapped me on the shoulder, to get my attention and looked me right in the eye.
“You’re not right”, he said, after examining my face.
He spat at me while he quickly stormed off.
I’ve always thought I’ve been a little bit of an ‘outsider’ but my god, this changed me. Ever since, I’ve noticed people look at me the same way when I pass them in the street.
What do they see?
Ok i know that all of y’all are probably tired of my lame ass story. I am too. I wish that everything just wasn’t so messed up. Today i felt like everything was alright and then i started thinking and i really it’s not. Yeah i know everybody has their problems but i want a break. I want to be able to be free. Trapped by my own mind. Shame. I am not look for a shoulder to cry on anymore. I will cry my tears but i won’t ask for help. I will do what i do best and hide behind a fake […]
My life is going on a different track…not how i expected…! My bestie tried to ruin my life…i just can’t imagine someone doing that to anyone…friends are to support you and give you their shoulder to shed your tears on…friends are to walk with you in your difficult times and everyone knows that no one can understand us better than our friends…but what if that friend betrays you and stabs behind your back…??? i don’t think anyone deserves a friend like mine…she betrayed me just because of jealousy…its so sad to hear that your own friends are jealous of you and not happy to see […]
May be triggering, but need help
so I am 14 going on 15 and i was adopted when I was 2 from ukraine (I was born premature, and then was dumped on the street by my mom when I was a month old) I was brought to the states and then my mom and dad started to abuse me. Physically at first and then when I was 5 my dad started sexually abusing me and my brother started when I was 8. This is continuing to this day. For about the past 3 years I have been suffering from ptsd and has had multiple suicide […]
you can be the binder to my messy folder
you can be the hand rested on my shoulder
you can be the gang member and I’ll be your handgun
you can be the punchline and I’ll be the lame pun
you can be the shoes and I’ll be the dance floor
you can be the dubstep I can’t take anymore.
cuz you’re the sugar to my cake
you’re the salt to my ocean
you’re the colors to my paint
and you’re the money to my fortune
you can be the song and I’ll be the lyrics
you can be the coke and I’ll be your quick fix
Blame xirzio for this shot. Sorry guys.
I feel sort of spent tonight. I’m making progress, but it never seems to be enough. Nothing can make me forget. These things that are running through my head nonstop.. They’re eating me alive. Before long, I’ll be a skeleton on the floor of the mansion that I used to call my life. When did it go so wrong? There has to be more to life than this […]
I am a big believer in doing what makes you happy. I am the person that all of their friends go to to vent and i am the shoulder that everybody cries on. it is a great feeling, helping someone else but it is no too fun when you need a shoulder to cry on and absolutely no one is there for you, or they pretend to care. So, doing what makes you happy is difficult when you don’t have anything that makes you happy. Yeah, things are temporary but nothing seems to be long term. How can someone have hope that they will have […]
What did I do??Why am I considered a bad person to my family??Something goes missing,Carlos did It.If something happens around the house Its my fault.If I loose something nobody gives a shit.Just when I thought I was getting better my own family Is pushing me.I’m surprised I haven’t killed myself yet.Right now I just need a shoulder & someone to tell that Its gonna be okay.
I saw all of this news about ISIS beheadings and Ukraine in despair, and to be honest, I don’t really care about it anymore. I almost wish that ISIS would take over and America would get involved in a nuclear war with Russia, because that would increase my chance of dying. Why fucking bother with humans? We’re never satisfied with what we have. I am no exception. Life feels so unfortunate, like a losing game. Whichever path chosen leads to death and disappointment. Fall in love only to fall out of it or want to cheat because one lover is not enough. Of course, that […]
Im isolating myself more and more for every day that passes. I feel completly, and utterly alone. This is something I feel I need to do- to minimize the damaged for the once I love. I have had no contact with any of my friends during the summer… and well, Im planning on giving them the cold shoulder once I get back to school. Distans is key to break as few hearts as possible I do belive.
But hey,if anyone feels like talking im all up for it. It’d be nice have a conversation that last more then a few words.
I’ve made a facebook, where im […]
Another day, and I slowly make my way out of the sleep paralysis that seems to come more often now. Then one by one I drag a foot off my bed and plant it on the floor, feeling surprised that I am still alive, but of course not surprised that I still feel so dead… I look over my shoulder towards the spot in which I had laid and observe the blood stains upon my sheets from last nights battle. Another trigger had been pulled and I was wounded, the cuts are getting a little deeper now, it’s also requiring more to simply balance out […]
I think a lot about killing myself. Not like a point on a map, but rather like a glowing exit sign at a show that’s never been quite bad enough to make me wanna leave. See, when I’m up I don’t kill myself because holy shit- there is SO much left to do. And when I’m down I don’t kill myself because then the sadness would be over, and the sadness is my old paint under the new. The sadness is the house fire or the broken shoulder, I’d still be me without it, but I’d be so boring. – Neil Hilborn, “The Future”
She saw my scars. She traced my arm while at work, and just said, “you’re not weak, you’re just too strong to hold it in”. She doesn’t know I like ger, but there was…tenderness there. I’ve never once had that. But I’ve learned from past mistakes, she hasn’t seen the real scars, not my shoulder, not my sides, she doesn’t know the monster within. And I won’t show her.
There are many fairies.
Some are good, some are bad.
But they are all beautiful.
The bad fairies can easily take over.
There’s the anorexic fairy,
She makes you perfectly thin,
But she’s fatal.
The self harm fairy whispers to you cutting is the only way out.
The suicide fairy pushes you off a cliff.
Pulls the trigger or gives you the ideas.
Then there’s the fake fairy.
She forces you to smile,
But puts you down and makes you cry.
Then there’s the fairy, who isn’t really a fairy.
It’s a bully. All the fairies are bullies.
They seem gorgeous and perfect.
But they […]