so just need to rant here…I am not having a good experience at the new place where I am living. The older room mate is a talker who is unaware of boundaries and when to just shut the fuck up. I humour her and say the appropriate things but it gets old really fast. I am feeling manipulated when she starts off with “so what are you doing tomorrow?” I now turn it around and say “Why would you ask that? Whats on the go for you tomorrow?”
I do not need to “check” in with her if I choose to […]
I’ve been a member of this site for 2 days. When i posted my story of getting better, i thought it was a basic read kinda site. I didn’t know this was an ongoing support system. I’m so glad it is, i feel like i’ve stumbled upon a place where i’m not so alone. I’m 17, soon to be 18. I want to be a psychologist, so i can help others in pain. When i see posts on here of those feeling hopeless, all i wanna do is help, find a way to save their life. I still get suicidal thoughts myself. I’ve struggled […]
I may be suicidal now but if I were to have children one day I would suck up all that pain and depressio.. Just so I can stay alive and strong for them
life will suck the optimism, beat and exhaust the shit out of you
then you’re dead and finally free .. no longer obliged to play this shitty game
if there’s life after death, maybe you can finally experience serenity in its purest form
but to imagine oneself being dead is too scary for the average joe
you’re supposedly lucky to be alive .. even when you haven’t found anything to live for
lucky of being here to witness or experience things you may not want to
being alive is better than being dead .. say the people who are getting something out of their lives
FUCK them
I’m at a point where I […]
There is this man who once abused my sister at age 13. This man had never laid a hand on me. Then one day, my sister did something that got her sent off. This man had no one to take his anger out on… he wouldn’t touch two innocent young boys, or a fragile schizophrenic mother, no he went for me, the broken, depressed child. This man has called me many things, *****, dumb ass, liar, mother fucker, slut… This man one day got mad and took me and slapped my face, then slammed me up against the wall, which was with such force […]
It’s been said that suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. I don’t see that as a deterrent, who wants a temporary solution to any problem? Solutions are good, permanent solutions are even better. Anyways, my life sucks. Life doesn’t suck, just mine. And there is no one to blame but me. I don’t care enough about anything. I am unmotivated to make my situation any better. I just don’t care. People sometimes tell me to search for that desire or goal or want to strive for, only I don’t want anything. I don’t even want to die, I just don’t want to live […]
im not shure and i honestly don’t care if anyone has written anything even remotely similar. my life doesn’t suck. yeah it has its moments. but no. i like my life.
but. im tired. thats all there is to it. there is nothing left for me here. i just feel like i am done here. i need to move on.
i got help for these suicide thoughs. but honestly. nothing worked. in the end of the therapy i pretended to be healthy. but… you cant fix someone when they are already dead inside.
some things are beyond therapy i guess.
im not old. im 18. and appear like everyone […]
I am socially retarded. Everyone I’ve met ever has understandably hated me. I’m aloof and unaware. People think I’m selfish and mean and awkward, etc. I have Asperger’s. Between my friends there is always a boundary between us because of this. I’ve wanted to die every day for a while, but it’s getting worse. Basically I am remembering everything that ever happened to me, and I know the phrases the past is past and only now counts, but I literally can’t forget. So I’m not sure how to live with the burden of days of years of things I’ve done. Life sucks a lot.
fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. what more can i say besides fuck? im sick of myself. sick of depending on everyone else, sick of wanting everyone to support me, sick of the charity that comes with being a depressed fuck. i wish i could get rid of myself already. i cant do shit at this point. im too fucking drunk to do anything besides finish this bottle and die. and just so you know, SUICIDE HOTLINES ARE FUCKING USELESS!!!! the last time i tried, the ****** just stuttered like, shit, what do i say? dude ill tell you what to say: fuck me, i […]
Why do I come to this God damn website searching for a little hope? Why do I do this to myself? Why can’t I just be happy what is the fucking point? Why can’t I just move on with my life. I care. I care so much. But do they care? Do my friends and family really care? Does my boyfriend really care? Or is this some fucking pity thing? HA. My boyfriend. What a wonderful guy. He’s so up fucking beat, and I am so off beat. What is wrong with me? It seems almost as if I can […]
I’m one from a very good life. I’m 20, been in a good relationship for going on 5 years. I have friends who love me and a family that’s never split up and always been tight-knit. So, what’s wrong? Why do I just want out? I’ll go long periods of time where I feel okay. (No, not great and not bad. Simply okay. Like I know I exist and I’m fine with that) yet when I break, its hard. I’ll have the worst mood swings, going from absolutely rude and waspish to bawling my eyes out and feeling alone. Incredibly alone. The past few days […]
I don’t know. Humans just suck. Pollution. Genocide. Homicide. Racism. Bullying. It’s all so stupid. We’re destroying our beautiful planet and paving forests over and trophy hunting and all sorts of unnecessary shit. We take more than we give. I just hate being human, hate being a judgmental naked stupid ape trapped in this concrete hell of so called civilization. So ironic that the least humane of all creatures is the human. All I want is to be free from the burden of this stupid life. My Grandfather had the right idea in killing himself. Why can’t I find the courage that he had?
I think I may have a Highly sensitive personality.
I have severe social anxiety, ADD. And I get easily overstimulated.
Do these sound like characteristics of the HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON?:
I have acute hearing, I get startled VERY easily over the littlest sounds, even when I am anticipating them. and I think I am sensitive to light(i wear glasses) I am a very picky eater, and dont eat much I like odd foods. I think this is because I may be a supertaster? I think I am sensitive to pain. When I have a hot beverage, it takes forever for it to be cool enough to drink, […]
So, my mother keeps a bottle of her Ambien hidden in her dresser, and I’m usually home alone for about 4-5 hours on weekdays, 10 hours on Friday nights. I keep planning, saying my goodbyes over and over again, but every time it comes to that time, I freeze up. Not because of myself, but because I’m afraid how it will effect the people I care about. It’s a hard thing to think about, balancing a pill between your lips and debating what impact you’ve made on the people around you, no matter how small. Then of course, there’s the fear I’ll find myself  awake, and […]
I guess I thought going back to school was going to make me feel better. I thought it’d make my depression and anxiety go away and I’d be instantly better..but it didn’t. I’m still depressed and miserable, I still feel useless. I just want to be gone. The things that made me happy don’t even make me happy anymore. They’re just nice distractions, because when I really think about it, I’m not happy. I literally have no one. I just feel like a burden to my family. I know, there’s people on here that’s problems are far more worse than my own, and even now […]
I’m tired of livinq,I wanna qive,qive In Into an attemp.I hope I don’t fail.It suck’s cause I bearly met my new theropist and at first I thouqht he didn’t care but I really like him,It suck’s that I have to disapoint him.If I fail,I’m not qoinq back to the hospital!Today I woke up determinded to do It.I wanna jump In front of a car but then I gave It a lonq  thouqht,how Is It qonna be on the person?I feel like shit,why make that person feel like shit?I’m still practicinq starvinq for Incase If I run away.Who know’s when the next time I’m qonna have […]
I’ve had it with this damn double vision, My hand’s swollen, I can’t keep holding on, My heart’s sinking and stuck in deadly rhythm, I can’t fake it, I can’t, can’t brush it off….
ok, So that guy started talking to me again last night, he wanted to do it again. But i made up excuses like i wanted to do but had other things to do and i had to go….
And then today on facebook, One of his friends who he told about our past actions asked me this….’answer this question honestly ok? ♥ if i offered to shag you 😉
what would you say? ;)♥’. I couldnt believe it…. I feel so dirty and used.
And all of that just added to yesterday, my dad didnt even say […]
I cant put into words how much i hate really suck.nobody likes me,me friends dont get me and i feel so alone in this world i always wake.and wonder whats the point in life.I ask everyday why do god wake me why must i suffer eberyday.i blame myself for this deep depression if i had just ended my life the first time i wouldnt feel this way.its hard living this life