for about 9 or so years i had lived in a small judgmental town.. i was continuesly bullied.. to the piont where the only friend i had were the plenty of cuts on my arm… i thaught if people felf sorry for me maybe they would be nice.. stupidest mistake i ever made.. it only got worse.. i attempted cuicide and ended up in the hospital.. they all beleaved it was fake.. i went by emo, slut , cocksuking *****, druggie, crazi skitzofranic, and other.. i was suspended tree times of drug use ..and had stoped coming to school.. one day i was put in the councelers office for cutting my arm .. a counceler verbally abused me.. telling me how stupid, fat, depressed and i quote darranged i was, later i was suspeended again and never went back.. i was on drugs for most my long summer.. soon even mdma cudnt make me happy.. i had a boyfriend who always had me on drugs didnt care for me.. and used me for sex.. my mom never had money … so i decided my life was over and id move with her.. so i could stop the drugs.. when i moed to the city .. i got involed with a dangourous dating sight. filled with perves rapist and proebly killers… i am 14 years of age.. i was seduced by a number atleast of nine.. guys age form 19-26 …the cutting got worse . when they all had convined me to hav sex with them ..promiced thed call me and still be my fiend ..and go out again.. well they never had called me.. i had given in for nothing.. then it hit me .. i was all alone in the world .. and i cant trust anyone.. i hav been sexualy active for a year.. i hav been with 14 men… not even half of witch i had said yes to.. none of witch exept for 2 where legal.. 3 of witch i dated .. a man i was on a date with had gotten me wasted ..and seduced me.. the other night i was with some friends and i had an anxiety attack.. i had in way relived the rape… i had walked douw the same road it was near.. everthing was the same … i now hav attacks daily … an i am raped in my dreams almost every night.. i had enough.. so i went lezbian .. i had a happy relationship with a beutiful  girl for almost two months.. and its the only time in my life ive ever been really happy.. it has been 1 week ..and ive already ended up in two places i was raped .. i cant tell if its my imagination but theres this guy ive seen twice today.. i think he was one of them.. what was i gaining? wht did i do this to myself.. thats the worst part of all.. it was me it was my mistake.. i hav to suffer for it i hav to live.. i used to be a little girl .. i used to have dreams … i used to be able to sing amazingly… i used to smile… i used to not be coverd in scars.. i used to be able to cope without drugs… i used to enjoy school.. but everyhting … was taken from me… now i do nothing.. i cant sleep unless i smoke weed… i cant cope either.. i cant sing from the ciggerettes.. my life is going knowhere its in a loop.. but you know what .. last night i had a dream .. he drove off.. and never stoped driving.. and i never came home… atleast im home he raped me in the back seat… he could have killed me in the back seat.. im inside im warm… i dont hav extra money my mom is streased for work… but im in a house .. i hav food in the fridge.. i may feel like now .. i was left with nothing.. but …what i have now.. is i have feelings .. i have awareness… i know who i am cause ive been through the shit.. what if everthing was different what if … there is no better … no matter what.. it will always be shit.. for everyone.. were all bleeding ..all scared.. we just have to find one another.. if i can go out and be around people i care about and feel wanted and safe..and not feel judged.. and laugh and smile again…ther is a cure for every wound.. maybe all it takes is a little caring.. if i can find atleast oe place in the world i can only be happy .. ive found enoguh .. and anyone can do anyhting..
No, you have a chance if you want it… Have a look at the website advertisied here and call them to talk.
It’s not your mistake, in many states someone having sex with someone under 16 is statutory rape. It is their mistake because they should know better than to take advantage of you, your 14, they are older and should know better.
Good luck.
today i ended up in the hospital becuz i stresses out stayd up all night.. and overdosed on evergy drinks.. and i feel like .. yesterday i was dead … today a voice called out and made me feel alive.. i never knew… that just as simple as that i now hav the help i need.. i was in this alone.. im still a little girl .. who never had the chance to be one.. all wounds will heal in good time…
how old are you?