I wrote an essay on how to be happy and remain in that state of mind no matter the situations in your life. It basically focuses in changing your mental process. i believe that if we learn how to control our thoughts, we can control our emotions and actions. For example, if you catch yourself having bad thoughts, learn how to replace them by good thoughts. Its a long process but it can help you if you put effort into it and continue to practice it with patience and belief. Some of us have gone through the worst things in life, in fact, depression and suicidal tendencies themselves are one of the worst things a person can endure. BUT it is possible to overcome them.. situations that leave you hopeless.. turn them around and use them as learning experiences or to inspire people who are struggling in life as well. We can all overcome this, believe me. Its in the power of our hands even if we are at the lowest of the lowest. Its a day to day process. Achieve to get to bed at night and wake up to face a new day with strength. WE ALL HAVE STRENGTH. THE FACT THAT YOU ARE READING THIS RIGHT NOW MEANS THAT YOU ARE STRONG. I wish i could be there for every single one of you, so if you want to talk i will always reply to you at Jazminbaltierra@yahoo.com please reach out. i sound as if i dont know what depression is like… but the fact is that i struggle to make it to bed every day that passes by.. but i make it.. and that … what we all go through.. symbolizes hope that we can make it out of this cycle. I love you all.
1 comment
what is the point of making it through each day if it feels like this? it isn’t a cycle. this is 10 years of my adult life, i only assume it will be that way for the rest of it.