This morning I looked outside and all I saw was snow. You may think: “Is that special?? O.o” Well, I can tell you: yes, it is. Because in The Netherlands we don’t really have severe winters or often snow. So when there is snow, it’s special. Especially when it’s like 6 inches, like today. I had to go to my part-time therapy (from 9 am till 3 pm every monday till friday) and luckily my father brought me. There was like more than 1000 kilometers of traffic jam, a new record! (on a normal tuesday in the morning it’s around 300 kilometers) and we also stood in the traffic jam, so I was grumpy. At therapy I almost fell asleep. I left therapy earlier, because I had to get the train. But the train was 10 minutes too late, so I got more grumpy. I had a appointment with a psychotherapist about (what they call) my “special experiences”. I was totally broken afther that talk. I decided to not go to dance lessons. Instead of that, I watched TV at home. I felt really bad and depressed and when I took a shower it went wrong. I took my stanley knife and cut myself several times, espacially on my hips and lower arms. This evening when I sat in my room, I have cut myself again. It’s such a two-sided feeling, it’s a really great way to express my feelings and stuff, but on the other side it only works for a couple of minutes but you will your whole life have to deal with the scars. Now I lay in my bed (in The Netherlands it’s 11.15 pm right now) and I don’t want to sleep. Afraid that I can’t sleep, or I will get scary thoughts or dreams or that something really scary happened (like my house will burn down or something). But I had to go sleeping :'(. I think I’m going to listen some music first, hoping that will help. On the pictures you see how The Netherlands looks when there is snow.
Nice pictures… About the cutting, check this site out:
Maybe it’ll help. Idk..
Thank you for the site and your comment, umbra_uroboros, I will look at it 🙂