So when i was about 5 i lost my parents, well at the time none of my family wanted me so i went to foster care. When i was about 8 years old i was adopted by great parents, or at least i thought. Growing up it was alright i got picked on alot though because ive always had short hair my whole life ive had it. Well it wasnt until recently that i had started coming out with being a lesbian. Everyone hated me at my school. I only had one friend which was my sister Amber. Im 13 and shes 14. I became depressed at the age of 10. Well anyways at school no body supported me except for her. Im now going to be a freshman and have attempted suicide 5 time in the past three years. Im a cutter i wont lie and ive hit rock bottom with depression. I need help and if you could i would be grateful. I have a kik: unitedkingdom457 or email i maybe shouldnt give that out but im really desparate for help please?
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i sent u an email, i’m ready to listen.