Just read a highly inspiring post called “Why are you still here?”. That is a great question, why are we (hurt, abused, heart broken, destroyed, ready to give up on life) still here? Everyone has a reason, everyone has a PURPOSE. It took a lot for me to find that out. I’m pretty depressed right now, it has actually gotten worst as this new year came in, nothing has gone right everything is turning for the worst. Dreams, memories, everyday experiences all going wrong. Came on here to read over my posts to see how far I’ve gotten, but that one post caught my eye and it gave me a sense of hope. Someone is fighting, actually trying everything in their power, staying positive! No matter how bad life has gotten, that person found a way to keep going. Family, friends, partners, even pets. There is always a reason we are here. We may not know it right now but in the future there will be brighter days while the past is stuck in the dark. Everyone needs someone, I know I do and I’ve found that someone (even though he’s mad at me right now for not opening up) to give me that feeling of a purpose. Everyone here can talk to me, other posters, other close friends. I know it may be hard to do so but once done you’ll feel a weight just come off of you, trust me it’s worth it. If you ever need to talk to someone email me day or night I’m always on my email dominae.johnson@gmail.com I’m not a judgmental person, what you do is what you do as long as you’re happy. I’m here to help. I’ve been through so much at a young age I understand how people feel in situations. One thing I request though, KEEP WISHING, HOPING, PRAYING BECAUSE A BRIGHTER DAY IS GOING TO COME!
I’ve got no one and no purpose… perhaps this is deserved, as I feel that I am not belonging to this race. I doubt I will ever have a reason in what is fundamentally unreasonable.
my email is on here you can always talk to me if you feel down
Johnson, you’re so right. I’m trying to travel on the same path. We all need somebody, even if we’re too hurt to admit it right now.
With the help of others, I’m trying to create a new forum category, wherein we’d only post the light hearted stuff, ya know, like what your interests are, your hobbies, the jokes, funny memes, it actually helps to take the mind off of such things. And people could actually go beyond the scope of this forum to help in person. I’d be very greatful if you express willingness to join there. I’ve emailed the admin to create an additional category on this forum.
that is a great idea that will help even better for people who need it