The only reason I am living is for others. My family, friends, and people I dont even know. I would have committed suicide by now, but ive told my friend not to tell anyone so if i end up doing it the burden will be on his shoulders. I dont know what to do. I havent told my parents or anything because i cant face them. I am a coward they would feel terrible, they would feel failure as parents if i told them. My life seems to have no meaning. Seems that nothing can make me happy. When something does make me happy it ends up not going my way. I try to make other people happy, but now it doesnt matter. Everyday in class i sleep or cease to talk. I dont know what i want, what i like and dislike i have just lost my sense of direction. Everytime i hold  a pen, a knife or any sharp object i think of finishing myself off. Everytime i take a sleeping pill i think of taking 20. Everytime i get in a car i think of intentionally driving into something. I cant help it ive tried to get my mind off it. I think about suicide more than a 16year old thinks about sex. I need some guidance from someone anyone. Put some meaning into my life, any advice or anything can help me get through this. I dont want to kill myself but its the only way i can escape this pain! Girls too I become such good friends with them but they don’t want to date me this is always the case and I can’t take it anymore!!
Do you listen to My Chemical Romance?0
no i don’t
The only way I can cope with life is to escape it… I’ll be honest. It’s too much pain to face on a daily basis, I have to have an “out” for myself. I’ve created my own little world in my head… a place where I go to live a completely different life. I live out each day there and face problems that I can actually deal with. No abusive parents, no financial debts, no past filled with regret and mistakes. It’s my mental margurita during the day between work and home.
They kinda helped me get through my rough patches.. Remember that there’s always a person thinking about you, nd there’ll always be someone who’s there for you, even if it’s over a suicide web page. No, it’s not the same as someone actually BEING there, but it’s still something.