I’m writing this because I’m thinking of doing something bad. I’ve tried to commit twice before, obviously they both failed. Tonight everything has gone downhill. I have no one to talk to or no where to turn. Everyone has turned against me even though I’ve done nothing wrong. I just wish I could merge with the ground and disappear. It would make so many people happier. I’m a failure that can’t do anything right and I wish I could be a better person. I’m just a lost cause. I’m crying into my laptop right now and I’m confused as hell. Why does everything and everyone go against me? What have I ever done? A part of me doesn’t want to go but a bigger part of me does and I’m not sure which side is going to win.
What happened to make you feel like this? I’m listening, you can talk to me.
turn to me, i will always listen.
Hey there,
I’ve felt this way so many times and I wish I had answers but I don’t. I just decided to go easy on myself. I’m only human. I’m not perfect and neither is everyone else. Quit being so hard on yourself. People say suicidal people are selfish. But they’re not. Its the people who say such things are the selfish ones. You need to start being selfish. The only person you can turn to in this world is yourself. So start taking care of yourself. Nothing and no one is worth you feeling this way.
Just go to the person who make you cry and shout “I FUCKING HATE YOU”. I mean just let them know. they hurt your feeling. Everything gonna be fine 😉
Dont cry. It’s ok. Guna be ok.