Whale then. Judging by the title you’ve guessed I’m a minor and have probably left thinking I have first world problems. Well, if your still here please here me out. before my parents met each other they were in a cult. This is were they got married and had 4 kids. I was the first one and the only girl. The cult said that your kids are full of the devil, ( I was beat often with a belt) all women are whores and the “pastor” was a homophobe. I learned about thongs at 6 in that “church”. They left when I was 8-9. Too […]
I am sorry for literally everything upsetting I have done in my life. I keep screwing everything up for everyone, and I’m sorry. I won’t let people help me, and I’m sorry. If this letter of self-pity is terribly written, I’m sorry.
I always say I’m sorry about everything, and I don’t think anyone believes me. I promise that I truly am. So, if someone who knows me for the worthless mass of pity that I am, I’m sorry.
I’m probably gonna screw myself over tonight, and with any luck, I won’t wake up in the morning. I […]
So I’ve lost hope now. Years and years of therapy, waiting a shit load of money – sorry mum. I just feel like nothing is helping. I’m still cutting and going deeper and worse, I’m still suicidal and getting closer to death and my mind is going darker and darker, losing its contrast. I’m slowly giving up and all it’s doing is hurting my family.
so the last few days iv drew a character which has mental illness each animal represents a different mental illness or disorder thanks for helping me guys youve been keeping me busy I haven’t been as low in a few day thanks for the support Suicide Club -drowning
ps thanks to everyone who helped me pick animals and names 🙂
Do you ever get tired of helping everyone else with their problems?
Do you ever get tired of no one helping with yours?
Do you ever get tired of being sad?
Do you ever get tired of being happy?
Do you ever get tired of nosiness?
Do you ever get tired of unconcernedness?
Do you ever get tired of being underestimate?
Do you ever get tired of being overestimated?
Do you ever get tired of being alone?
Do you ever get tired of being crowded?
of faking a smile?
of pretending to care?
of being burdened?
of having nothing to do?
of low self-esteem?
of being “plain-jane”?
of being liked?
or of being ignored?
Hey everyone, sorry I haven’t been around.
Been having a couple of shitty days, mentally, emotionally and physically. Been abusing my meds and cutting again.
I’m in no place to be helping anyone rn.
Just wish the bus I’m in right now crushes.
I’ll come back to you later, if feeling better.
Love you all.
I’m on the verge of crying. I feel depressed, I feel lonely and I feel heartbroken. When I really need them they aren’t here for me. The one who’s even been helping me isn’t even messaging me.. It makes me angry, It makes me frustrated to see he has time to communicate with my sisters but not with me. It makes me feel like I’m a total loser. It makes me feel regret for even liking him. He seems more interested in my sisters than he does of me. Seems he’s just keeping me company out of pity. It’s making me feel like killing myself. […]
i’m really really really really mad rn
i hate those kids who condemn others for wanting to die
saying they’re too weak and that they are ungrateful with life and with their parents yada yada yada
well you know what, kids, if you feel you’re helping, YOU’RE NOT.
you’re just making them feel more worthless and make them want to die even more. good job. why aren’t you dead instead.
i’m sorry i’m just too mad at everyone right now
I’ve been finally realizing how old they are becoming. Their health and minds are slowly depleating. I remember growing up with them. Spending time with them. Helping them so much. Today everyone was in a hurry to see a movie and rushing them. They both dont walk fast anymore. And Grandpa has nerve damage in his right arm. So he is unable to move it. No one asked if they needed help, just rushing them. They get so confused easily on top of that. Me on the other hand I waited for them. I stood by them as they got ready to get up and […]
I made some changes in my life. I wasn’t happy at my job, so I quit. I’ll need another job eventually, (I’m considering going back to school this fall, even) but for now I’m a house husband, blogger, working on some cosplay (because I wanted to grow up to be an Imagineer), preparing my first novel for self-pub via Amazon, and working on a second novel.
Life isn’t perfect.
Eventually […]
I thank creater for helping me to post what I feel, who are here also people same as me. Who went, running through lowest points. I appreciate your comments for my older posts. But after one year I can’t exactly tell I’m fine. I surely need your help till my death. Thanks for reading.
Even with medication I still can’t fucking sleep. What the hell?! My doctor keeps changing my medication, uping the dose and whatever… But I can’t fucking sleep!!
I just took my pills. I feel sleepy. I’m in bed. But sleep won’t come. What the fuck?!
I don’t think the medication is helping me at all. Nothing is helping me. Therapy sucks balls. My turn to friend won’t talk to me anymore. I’m in deep shit. I feel like shit.
I’m thinking of making an attempt. My doctor is giving me TCAs. It might just work. I need more of them though. I doubt the dose I have is […]
I don’t know if this site is helping don’t get me wrong I like it here I no I should have killed my self last year iv just pro longed my pain and suffering really but is the site just pro longing the Inevitable ? I think that the more I talk about dying and suicide but not acting on it is a bit silly if you know what I mean can anyone relate to what I mean ?
Just feeling like nobody cares. Because why would they? What does caring for someone even mean? Why would you waste your time caring for someone you know is a ticking bomb? Is it so that they won’t be one? Why would any of you care about helping me? Why would any of you care about me? You don’t know me. Do we ever actually care about someone we don’t know? We might? But do we? So what if I don’t know myself. Do I care?
I’m an 18 y/o girl from England suffering from depression, I think its mild/normal but to me it feels severe as I’m sure it does to everyone. I’m on anti-depressants and I thought they were helping but today I feel worse than I have in so long, I’ve been searching suicide and came across this site. I’m also wondering whether to get off the pills because I don’t want to rely on them, but counselling hasn’t helped either.
I’m bored of my life, I feel like I will fail my a levels this June and if I don’t get into uni I don’t know what […]
As some of you may know, I recently had a miscarriage. I feel terrible and can’t seem to get over it and my family is not helping at all. My dad and my brother call me fat literally everyday and my father is forcing me to go to the gym so I “get fit” or whatever. That breaks my heart. They don’t understand that the extra pounds I have and my tiny belly reminds me of my baby, and I’m not ready to let that go. I don’t care about looking hot or being fit right now. Plus, my mom basically keeps me under house […]
I’m up with a migraine, I probably shouldn’t be staring at the computer but I’m going insane and nothing is helping. Blurry vision, feeling like I am going to throw up and rip my head off all at the same time.
I’m just overflowing with sadness right now.
I am always, but especially right now.
I posted this 3 times already, but the concert I had attended was called, “WE DAY,” an entertaining show with dancers, singers, and speakers to come together in order to celebrate giving back to the community/ world. Helping out others, making this world amazing day by day.
It was very inspirational. I have to admit. I felt I COULD have a place in this world to make it better…
But the entire time I listened, I thought:
“I can’t even help myself…How can I help others?”
What is the real meaning of life what is my purpose for being here it’s hard to live when your depressed let alone when your list for living and dying and you have more reasons to die then live I guess the only thing keeping me from trying again is the what if but what if things don’t get better and I’m just waiting around hoping I’m so tired and sleep isn’t helping just want to sleep for ever and disappear
Because when she died, she grew wings, because when she died she set her soul free.
Because of her death the world will finally know the truth….
Butterflybae’s book is being published, “MASQUERADE” we are helping her to finish what she started. Her blog was a very small portion of what she had written in regards to her book. She kept a video diary as well, that will be put up on Youtube for all to see in the next few days. Also a complete collection of all her songs and poetry will also be published.