I can really relate with many of these posters here are feeling. and especially of how you’re all so sick and can’t stand the people in general anymore because they reek selfishness and my guess is they’re also so full of superficiality in this materialism-era.
If anything, you guys sound like a really good, sincere, honest person, and it’s an unfortunate widespread reality that the ‘good, honest, sincere’ people are having REALLY hard times in this 21st era today.
But if there’s anything that can act as a consolation, or a Hope,
IMO it would be year 2012.
Now, I know that you might easily be like “what?..I don’t believe in such myth stuff!“, but trust me that I used to not believe in it too, but after doing further study, readings, and researches (Internet is a very good resource, and it’s FREE. check out articles, online forums, critical discussions etc on the vast Net), there are more and more certainty that SOMETHING BIG will definitely happen in year 2012!
(in fact, all of our current ‘troubles’ are said to be all already predicted!…because these are the years of “Transitions Periods“).
And although some might say it’s doomsday and sort of, but there are also a lot who say (& actually predict) it’s going to be the beginning of a NEW ERA, they even have a term for it: “Golden Era”. just go google it.
Also for those who thirst for more information, try google related terms like: Lightworkers, Indigo Children, Galactic Federation of Light, New World Order (NWO), 2012 Alien Invasion, etc.
If you keep searching, you will keep finding the truths for yourself, not what the mass-media said (don’t believe 100% in what media said! I’m sure you all have known about this! Search, and keep searching the “Truths” for yourself!)
Some spiritual gurus and psychics (if you’re an open-minded enough a person)Â have predicted, along with the scientific and natural signs that’s going to happen in year 2012, that a LOT of big, huge things, even including government secrets will be uncovered, bare naked, and there will therefore basically be a HUGE Global spiritual awakening, and humans for the first time can *CHOOSE* to whether still stay in this ‘stench materialism’ lower plane/dimension, or to *ascend* to a higher dimension, where “all will become One”, and that humanity will start to realize that they can live in harmony with Nature, and that they’re spiritual beings having human experiences (sounds like heaven, isn’t it?)
You might not believe in all these, I understand, especially for the first time (like I did too). but just google it for yourself, or buy books or tapes regarding 2012. Keep searching for yourself for the truths. Don’t just believe 100% in the media, newspaper, etc. Heck, they might all even be sponsored by the ‘Powers-that-be’, to hide some very important things/truths, so we would never know! Thank god for Internet and its vastness of free, uncontrolled, democratic webs of information though (go to Youtube too. just basically search everything on the Net!)
At least if all fails,..I still view this as a signs of HOPE.
I might even hold out to live, just to see that D-day of 21 December 2012 (they said it’s the “beginning of everything NEW”, not necessarily dooms and glooms).
So that’s at least something to LOOK FORWARD to, in this stinky humanity.
In the mean time, keep being who you are. DON’T ever change to suit this rotten world & humanity!
Just be yourself! and keep creating, and connecting Love.
Niki, very interesting post. There’s so many theories and “prophecies” for things to come in 2012. Personally, just like god, I don’t believe in any of it and I deem it as superstitious, however, I acknowledge that I don’t know. I don’t know if you are particularily referring to the Maiyan calendar/Nostrodamas stuff. Whether it’s real or not, it’s still interesting and I am open to it being a “truism.” Yeah, it’s said that we’re either going to transition into or from the “Pisces” era. Cool stuff.
Let me ask you something: You seem pretty keen on this and I was wondering if you truly do believe that something will come, or if you are exercising this “prophesy” much like someone would utilize god. It’s kind of something to lean on, similarily, isn’t it? In any case, though I don’t necessarily believe in this, I will admit that I really hope that something cataclysmic happens. I need something to disrupt the world so that others can be shaken up and forced to open their minds and also so that I can get a well-deserved thrill. I’m not closing the book to these ideas and just like you, I want something noticeable to happen.
It better happen this year. In the next month. I don’t know how much longer I can witness this freak show charade all-star parade go on for much longer.
@Tom: it might be both,..but I say it’s more of the former, given by a whole lots amount of information I’ve been reading, even from some pretty skeptical individuals.
Yes, all in all, we can only really know when D-day happens (there’s no other surest way). But like you (and I’m sure many others here), we can only hope all these ‘external/outside’ huge things (& predictions, be it scientific, political, or spiritual/psychic, etc whatever) would really happen.
But given with all so many possibilities, there’s bound to be at the very least ONE big, huge event will truly happen in that year.
Even my most pragmatist cousin believe wholeheartedly in this, well, he’s more into the scientific prediction of it.
Understand completely. I don’t wanna kill myself, I just want a different world. We only get ONE life for certain… it just feels wasted on this planet, the majority of the population as you said are ignorant, selfish and too stupid to see this. One of the bad things about individualism is that everyone no matter what life they are living they will always think that there view is the only correct view, the day people stop doing this and constantly see the world through another’s eyes is the day we could all have inner peace, truthful inner peace.
Reality check: I do the dishes… I hang out and bring in the washing… the dishwasher is apparently not filled enough to put on, I get yelled at… The clothes I brought in are a bit damp, I get yelled at. I’m 17, male, unemployed, out of school and do my best to keep my family’s stress levels down. My older siblings work… so they are excused from helping out, but most of the time when they are asked they just *****. They work… for themselves, they don’t help with bills or anything for that matter like they should considering there adults! I don’t hate helping out, I just hate how my siblings can’t see that being generously nice to someone is best free thing in this world. (btw, this comment would probably sound slightly dramatic on your end… I live in an average family, no abuse or anything)
“Money can’t by you love/happyness” *cough*Bullshit *cough* then why aren’t homeless people getting married… why is it regular girls consider diamonds necessary and normal in a relationship? There just @#$% shiny rocks! Money can’t by happiness/love directly but you need it if you want it in this world. (spiritually you don’t, I know)
GREAT POST!!!! (sorry for babbling)
I Don’t get it what’s going to happed in 2012?
The mayan calendar ends so everyone thinks that in 2012 something big is going to happen…but nobody knows what..a conspiracy of sorts. There is tuns of stuff on the net on it if you want to know more, but basically it is the year that the mayan calendar ends.
2012 is NOT the end of the world, it is just a change in the Galactic Consioussness, it is nothing to FEAR, only the LOVE.