My depression started when I was around 6 years old.  It started when I was sexually abused by my cousin and his dad. At the time I didnt know what was wrong and what was right, how could I? I was just a little kid. All that ended when I was 13 years old. The sad part of my story with them is that their family is seen as the perfect family. All the kids in that family were well mannered, smart, went to good schools etc. I never told anyone what happened, because….. I didnt want to hurt my family, and I didnt know if they would even believe me. My family was far from perfect, we are  known to be dysfunctional. At age 8 my dad cheated and left my mom. He went to live with his mistress and her 2 year old son.   From that moment things got dark, really dark for my family. His mistress had the nerve to send pictures of the 3 of them to my mom. My mom literally went crazy. He came back and they worked things out but the ***** was still crazy. She was a bully to me, and I think it might be because I look so much like my dad. She would tell me she hates me, she regrets me, I was a mistake, I’m stupid, I cant do anything, she criticizes everything I do, she beats me up for no reason, she has thrown knives at me before telling me to go kill myself, one time I was sleeping and found her over my bed cutting my hair off. Why? Who the fuck knows. My 2 older brothers were never home. The torment always happened when no one is home, which was all the time. My dad goes home late because of work, and I called him crying once to hurry home because my mom was trying to hurt me, I locked my self in my room but she was trying to break the door down. Did he come to my rescue? No. She tells me that I am the child of the devil. She tells everyone how horrible I am so they can look down upon me and be on her side. But I am not. I know who I am, I’m nice, I’m caring, and I’m a quiet person that keeps to myself. I am not a trouble maker, just have a troubled mind. In those days I didnt cut myself, similar but no permanent marks. I used my nails to scratch deep into my thighs and arms. It hurts, but it made me feel a little better. I dont know why but it did. When I was a senior in high school she moved away. I was relieved. I lived peacefully for a while. But my dad made me move and live with her because he didnt like my boyfriend at the time. So I moved 6 hours away. My mom changed a little, she didnt physically hurt me anymore. But her words still cut deep into my soul. I feel like I was brainwashed, growing up being told I was stupid etc. Coming from your mother, you believe it.  I hate using this example but its like she’s Hitler and I’m a Nazi. I tell myself I’m not stupid, I’m not worthless, but deep down I feel like I’m just lying to myself and that my mom is right. I feel like I have split personality or something. I would think ” yes i can!” then it would turn to ” no i cant..” one’s positive and the other one is negative. Anyway. So here is some recent events I am 24 right now, community college drop out. I lived with my mom, dad and uncle ( different uncle) one day I woke up to her screaming at me saying ” where is it? where is my money” I told her I have no idea what shes talking about, which I really didnt. She told me to pack my stuff and get out. Then she left to work, my dad called me and asked if his quarter collection was still in the living room, I went out to check, It wasnt there. I told him I dont know what happen and I thought he believed me. But it turned out he didnt. Prior to this day I had $250 on my table in my room and $40 in my closet hidden. I notice it was gone but I thought my dad took it because i left it for him. So I came to the conclusion that it was my uncle. He was kicked out of his girlfriends house, he has 2 kids with her, he has a shitty mechanic job and has to pay child support. I saw his  mail and it was like.. 1,300 a month. Anyway I lived in my car for a while then rented a room at my friends house. I told them that it might be my uncle but they refuse to believe her brother would do that kind of thing. Really!? he used to be a drug addict and sold drugs and went to jail. I didnt even know how much was gone, I told them about my money missing but they think I was making it up.. A year later it happened again. But this time at the house my moms other brother was living there and a roommate. My parents were in my hometown. They accused me of stealing who evers money I dont even know, roommate money missing or uncles I have no idea. I was not in the area to have done it. Why am I always the one being blamed? This uncle has a bad gambling problem, he got divorced because of it. Anyway weeks after that money from her shop went missing. Guess who they thought it was! Thats right! Me! Does it hurt that I get blamed for everything? Does it hurt that my own family accuse me of stealing money like that from them? How about how my dad threaten to call the police on me? I DIDN’T DO IT! The only people who do know is the person who did it and me. I  know i didnt do it, who ever it is knows they can get away with it because the blame is always on me. Even if its impossible its still me. If I’m dead my ghost did it. It’s crazy and no one believes me. Right now I live with my brother and his wife. They are both jerks to me.  Definitely doesnt make my sad thoughts go away. I’m treated like a dog. I do all their chores I have to do every errand they ask of me and follow all these rules made for a 15 year old. Not only that they make me feel so unwanted. They are newly weds, I really didnt want to move into his house but he kind of pressured me to and said he wont accept having a dirty homeless sister. I honestly rather be homeless than to be around my family.  Lately I’ve been at a very low point. I REALLY REALLY wanted to die. Before it was just I want to die but no I really want to right now. What stops me, is that I am scared to go to hell. I believe in God, but I dont think he loves me or cares about me. I  think he is punishing me but I dont know why. What did I do to deserve this kind of life? WHY DOES HE HATE ME SO MUCH?
You did the right thing to move away from your mother. Whilst you can physically move away, mentally moving away is a completely different matter. Speaking of which, I think you need to consider cutting all ties with all family members (maybe move again?) I know you need a roof over your head, but is it really worth paying such a high price for it?
I’m also sorry to hear you had such an awful experience with your other relatives. Dealing with a psychotic parent is bad enough, but to deal with a selfish parent as well, on top of being molested … oh my goodness. 🙁 I’m lucky I only had the psychotic mother, selfish father and bullying older sister.
I wish I could give you some more constructive advice, other than to say that whilst I don’t know what you went through, I have had some experience with some of the elements you have had to contend with. I’m not sure if you’re in a position to do so, but seek some counselling if you can.
All the best.
You dont deserve that type of life nobody does!! Nothing about the way you are treated is okay!! This isnt about you, the people around you have problems!!! YOU DONT DESERVE THIS!
Thank you both for reading my story, after seeing it I didnt realize how long it was. Your words made me feel a little better. I have gone to therapy when I was a kid, but I didnt open up about what was really going on. I didnt want anyone to get in trouble. Right now I dont have a job, I’m trying really hard to find one but not having much luck. Whats keeping me is my hope for happiness. I hope to find a job have enough to move out and live comfortably and have a fresh new start and hope that I will be happy. All i want is to be happy.
if there is god he cant hate you you loves all of his people equal. if he doesnt then there is no god because god is suppose to be rightness equalness. you went through alot of shit my story is much less bad but I broke right away. you seem like the type that is strong enough to live listen there was nothing you could have done to change the others around you. the envirolment is not in your control. I say definetly you leave that house and lvie in your car or alone! and dont talk to them get away do something that you think could give you joy. workout something
look hun god dosent punish ppl for their wrongs what happen to you is that u were born into the wrong family i know what is like to get blame all the time. you shouldnt b there with ur brother if you feel unwanted rent a room,? get a job go back to school ur mind is weak tell ur self u r positive u can do it!!! and you will your young smart preatty ur a good person but u hang out with ppl that make bad desions. dont talk to ur family get away from there even farther erase there number travel i would love to have you as a friend so we can hang out i’ll cheer you on when u mos need it. i’ll tell you everything is gonna b okay. cuz it is.!! i know i sound weird but trust me think positive live your life forget about them how there forgetting about you. take care hun and plz dont kill your self your gonna leave a good feature b hind. what do u wonna study? think about all the positive things ur leaving b hind. 🙂