Really, what’s so great about this world anyways? All I see are a bunch of people who have too many worries to be bothered with some suicidal girl, and I don’t blame them, I wish I could be one of them but I’m not. I’m just a repulsive, hard to love, self harming, suicidal girl. I’m no one special or anyone that will be truly missed. Can someone come and stab me to death, please? It would be much appreciated.
i want you to think of anything postive in your life whether it big or small. anything that brings you joy and only think of that moment
You would…..
STOP CUTTING! Find some and say you need help. A teacher, they have to will see people care. If you cut and tell someone they will say it is for attention … Even if it isn’t.
when your as down as this, the only way to get out is to get help, wether you want it or not.
deep down you do, that why you wish to be them? but really who wants to be some one so oblivious to the situation, You have something that these by standards don’t have, when i think of a depressed individual, i think of people who see the world and people as they really are. that is a really good quality,but you can use it for better you and spend your time figuring who you are. you have the can be more intellectual and relate to people sadness, listen to what people are actually saying. These are great quality people normally don’t come across, it differs you from most, but you don’t have to be sad at yourself, be sad for them.If you have the ability to make yourself feel unless, you have the ability to make yourself feel good, wether there simple. from just breathing,smiling,dancing,music,art.
or to complicated
to going to college, a schooling program, getting a job
these things will help focus somewhere else, and move somewhere else
once you realize death is not an option,you will see a different path.
when your as down as this, the only way to get out is to get help, wether you want it or not.
deep down you do, that why you wish to be them? but really who wants to be some one so oblivious to the situation, You have something that these by standards don’t have, when i think of a depressed individual, i think of people who see the world and people as they really are. that is a really good quality,but you can use it for better you and spend your time figuring who you are. you have the can be more intellectual and relate to people sadness, listen to what people are actually saying. These are great quality people normally don’t come across, it differs you from most, but you don’t have to be sad at yourself, be sad for them.If you have the ability to make yourself feel unless, you have the ability to make yourself feel good, wether there simple. from just breathing,smiling,dancing,music,art.
or to complicated
to going to college, a schooling program, getting a job
these things will help focus somewhere else, and move somewhere else
once you realize death is not an option,you will see a different path.
It seems like you believe that no one cares for your feelings. That is exactly how I feel. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it feels like they all care about everyone else except for yourself.