I turn 21 tomorrow, and everyone is so excited and I just want to end it, no more running. I just want peace.
Masking heavy thoughts
Like dirt covering a dead seed
Giving life to unclean intentions
And sprouting the darkest deeds
Song lyrics?:
The things I’ve tried and heard
Looking for better words 2x
Idk I’m just trying to get rid of the loud thoughts and go tf to sleep
I could let myself die, and no one would care or notice.
Ah yes, depression. The thing that’s been haunting me all my life, and just gets worse and worse. There were some points where I would get better for a while. But then I would spiral back into that dreadful state. Crashing harder and further each time. Sometimes I wonder, “when am I finally gonna give up?”
Here’s the thing I’ve never told anyone: I want to die. SO badly…..and it pathetic. It feels like a living hell each second I’m alive. And worst part is, nobody really gives a s***t.
My parents, brothers, and even my extended family quickly dismiss my suicidal ideation. I tell them. […]
today’s been rough. not sure why, honestly, it’s just been a hard day
i’m pretty frustrated with myself; kinda want attention but also i don’t want to inconvenience people by asking for it. eh, i don’t know
rough couple of days
I remember December, a season that I shall not long forget. A time when its resplendent blanket of white enswathed the earth and concealed from all the life it was known to harbor. I suppose that it is fitting that during the season when Persephone was stolen away from Demeter to the land of the dead that so too should another soul be spirited from this world to the realm of hades, and along with it my innocence.
Life offers many different paths for us to traverse some linear and others consisting of many different twists and turns, and yet it is impossible within the moment […]
If you need a friend and have nobody, follow me on IG and we can be each others friend. I’m lonely and been in a dark place. I’m losing so many friends.
*I accept all follow requests, just DM me after so I know this website is the reason for the add*
it’s all just getting worse. it’s been a downhill spiral for so many years.
every single time i think something’s going to get better, even just a little bit, i’m slapped in the face and things get worse. it doesn’t matter if i hope a little or a lot for things to get better, or if it seems like there’s a way out – i try to take that way and i only fall further downhill.
i can’t afford to live. no one will hire me. i can’t do physical jobs because of my disability, i can’t handle college, i’m too mentally ill for most jobs, i’ve […]
I don’t want to live, but I don’t want to die. Sometimes I picture myself running away from my life. All my responsibilites, from school, from home and all my friends. I wish I was invisible, i wish people wouldnt acknowledge me. I want to be here without actually having to be here. I want to live in a dream where I never have to wake up. Can anyone save me from this madness?
Day by day, time seems to be going unbearably slowly, but looking at the big picture, the years went by without me noticing.
I’ve turned 21 recently, and accomplished very little, almost nothing since I got out of high school and I feel a lot of shame about it, but not in a motivating way,
It’s impossible not to think how I will never be able to be the person I could have been because I’ve wasted my time.Or should I say that it’s been stolen away from me? I lost it? Being stuck in the past, I’ve been rewinding years of my life, and […]
10 bottles of pills. Either have a seizure, enter an induced coma or die. All seems fine with me. Sounds peaceful. What if I fail again? That was a shit show.
I just me Bae…
I Haven’t been on here lately as I have been trying to be a productive member of society again. It hasn’t been easy nor has it really made me feel any better about myself or about my life. I just ended up doing the same thing I did prior in life, I just bottled up my feelings, emotions, and thoughts. Then I carried on as usual until I couldn’t anymore, the feelings, emotions, and thoughts becoming unbearable again. I have realized that I do have support from God and “His Universe”. This “Faith” has gotten me further than I could have ever […]
It’s been a minute since I’ve posted anything on here. I thought that meant I was getting better, but here I am again. But I think I need to talk about this.
Honestly, I’m starting to worry that I’m all doing this for attention. The whole “being depressed” thing. I mean, I’ve wanted to die for almost a decade and what do I have to show for it? Maybe I’m subconsciously trying to manipulate people into feeling sorry for me. That thought makes me feel physically ill, but my pattern of behavior does seem to suggest this. It seems like every suicide attempt I […]
lately, a few memories have been flooding my mind, not sure why. it’s been a rough few months, honestly. and flashbacks haven’t made them any easier.
classes and homework are taking up a lot of my time, but still, feels like i’m spreading myself thin. friend of mine started to talk more regularly with me this year and they think it’s great and all but half the time i don’t know what to say. every time we talk, i feel so drained; i just physically can’t keep talking for the whole day.
kinda hard to explain, but it just constantly feels like i’m being talked down to, […]
Life is just a series of things you are not allowed to do.
As a child: BOOM! not allowed to fly, BOOM! no cool superhero abilities, or anything remotely magical, BOOM! not allowed to go where you want, do what you want.
As a teen: You have been taught to want this material Item, you want that social Inclusion too?…but BOOM! money wont let you and social indoctrination is here to destroy you! Romance BOOM! cheated on, heart broken and lambasted for trying. ps. start being a TOOL so you can buy all that.
As and Adult: now you will NEED this […]
The world breaks you: they say it makes you stronger
But I just realised we are just broke pieces and the only reason we’re stronger is because you cannot break the broken.
There is a part of me that feels numb; not dead . And I don’t know if that’s any better, because numbness can be beaten by an awakening right?
But then I think of funerals and how the dead are described as their own habits, how every speech is the same and I wonder if that person in the grave was once numb too. That life had finally brought them to their knees […]
Everything in my life seems to be going great. I am looking at colleges and can go wherever I want pretty much because we can afford it so i’m very lucky in that way, I have a job where i’m outside doing physical labor which I love, my friends are great and I have very close meaningful relationships. Yet despite all of this just because of one girl my entire world seems to be falling apart. It has been what seems like 5 months since we broke up, but I just can’t find that sense of comfort I had in that relationship. At this point […]
im not sure how im still here. in the past, i lived for someone else, now im just living only because im scared of pain. ive noticed myself stopping and thinking whenever in a social situation that it wouldnt make a difference if i was there or not, i will be grieved for a few weeks, mentioned here and there, but life will go on.
This is going to be a rant, I have nobody to blame but myself. As a preteen/teen I was allowed to run around and do as I pleased seems like a dream come true right? Well my dental hygiene suffered greatly because well, I was a kid and didn’t care. I started noticing as I got older of course and tried some things to remedy it, but my family has never been the wealthiest and dental work is expensive. This was and is one of the bigger causes of my depression. I had done a bunch of research on teeth remineralization and tried that with […]
Often, I find myself in this cycle, where I juggle between numbness and suicidal thoughts. I push away people who love me because I’m an idiot, and I hate myself for never being good enough. I’ve been trying to not use drugs as a way to cope, but every day, the idea of using more dangerous methods of self-harm seems to flood my mind in the hopes of ending this anxiety-ridden nightmare I call existence. This is my first post, and I feel weary that this “rant” may offend some people. I’m not used to sharing how I feel. I hope maybe someone may read […]