I hate my life. I’m so depressed.. It all started about a year ago. There was this guy I had liked for a while and we finally started talking. The first few weeks, everything was great. We texted just about everyday. Exchanged the finest words. Things were perfect. Then suddenly one day it’s like he just forgot about me. He started tweeting about this other girl and it made me feel invisible. Once him and her stopped talking, we started again. Then another girl came into the picture. I hated seeing them flirt at school. Anyways, he’d flip flop back and forth between her and […]
I just can’t seem to get anything done.
I feel like there are so many things that I need to do and that I’m falling behind on, but my mind feels like it is stuffed with cotton. Even if I make a list, I feel as though I can’t remember anything that I have to do. Then I just get frustrated and go take a shower or make food.
I am just so tired of trying to keep up with society. All of the expectations and responsibilities that are thrown on me, I just can’t take it. I don’t feel at all prepared for college, or living […]
just F_ck
f_ck my family that steals from me
f_ck my family that ignores me, as if i dont even exist!
f_ck my so-called “friends” that are never around
f_ck face book and all YOUR great times i dont want to read about
f_ck this life that i never asked to be born into
f_ck it all!
NO REPLIES NECESSARY….i just needed to rant for a bit!
i took pills last night, left extra food and water out for the cat, taped a sign to my chest that read ” i hope i die tonight Fuck you ALL!”
ever tried to kill yourself and it failed? how do you feel when you wake up and know it didnt happen…or you didnt cut deep enough…or whatever method you tried? i am a TOTAL FAILURE as i have tried so many times and obviously, ALWAYS been UNsucessful!!!
no one cares or listens to me in my life….why bother being here (life) if all i get is crapped on? Why dont others see my pain… that they […]
i cant handle life alone.
i desperately want to die.
i self-harm to feel better and make the pain of being an outcast and all alone.
i wonder why it is ME that cant have friends….obviously, I MUST BE DEFECTIVE…but how do i locate the defect?
i need the pain to STOP….since i’ve tried everything else, i want SUICIDE to take it (all the pain and sh!!t in my life) away….forever…..a permanent solution to an ongoing problem…i see ZER0 hope in this ever changing into something good and worthwhile.
i thought humans were “mentally wired” to be with other people…then WHY does my higher power allow ME to be destitute […]
I hate feelings. Why do I have to feel? Sometime I feel everything at once to the point where I end up having a mental breakdown or crying or hurting, but other days I feel nothing. I feel nothing and I don’t know how I feel and I want to get mad but I end up feeling nothing. So I don’t know what my problem really is now. I don’t know what’s worse either. Drowning in my own mind or dying from the thirst.
Just because I don’t want to live, does mean I don’t want a good life, I don’t want to sit around an wait to die, funny the things you randomly ponder
i’m trying hard to keep my mind under control, with all these silly thoughts, and the frustration that builds up over things that aren’t that important, and also trying to ignore the temptation I’m having lately to drink
As I sit here typing this, I feel like such a mess, an I realise how far I’ve fallen, and how fast, even though I didn’t have far to go, I set the scene as a crazy […]
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray my life and soul you keep,
please take it now so I don’t wake
to live a day of pain and hate.
My future life is just to bleak so please, I beg you, let me sleep.
My end will mean I will not cry, my end will mean I do not weep. My pain and fear will only cease. If you will only let me sleep.
I pray to any God that answers me and brings me finaly rest and peace.
I can’t rest, my mind in total chaos. My emotions are doing what they do best, running a muck through my veins flowing to my heart choking me with every thought. I am lost unable to process my thoughts. My voice is gone, I’m choking am I alive? My thoughts wrapped around my throat. As my thoughts continue to flow, the choking keeps growing. My heart beat it’s slowing, my body emotionally dying….
I’m tired. I’m exhausted. I’m fed up.
I’m 20 years old and a junior in college and I literally don’t have a life. I don’t socialize much. I isolate myself; however, I’m not happy when I do so. I feel lonely and sad.
When I’m alone, my whole life runs through my mind.
When I was in the 12th grade my father got diagnosed with cancer. The doctors said he had only a few months left. My dad fought hard and stood strong. A year later. The day I was getting ready to leave to start college he passed away. I was completely heartbroken. Like all the positivity in life got […]
Its hard when you don’t really have anyone to turn to, it can be a lonely existence
Over the last year, I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut when I’m around the people in my life, because I know they are no longer interested in what I have to say, or how messed up I feel, but I guess I can’t blame them, but the one thing that makes me angry is when they say ‘I know how you feel’ or ‘I’ve been through the same thing’ its not a competition but if each person suffered the same, one treatment would work for everyone
Lately I’ve formed […]
i told you i couldn’t hang out, not that i didn’t want to. You wanted to party, i wanted to die. You thought i was happy and so did i. but little did we know happy wasn’t for me. i wanted to cry. i wanted to die. there was always something in me asking me why. i didn’t know what to say but then i realized that it was everything about me. My hair, my eyes, my legs, arms, my stomach, my chest, back, feet, my hands. It was the way i talked, the way i walked. i never thought i was good enough. i […]
I know what you’re thinking. ‘It’s another girl trying to stop us from thinking about suicide’. ‘Nothing she’s going to say is going to stop me’. You’re right. There is nothing I can say or do to stop you from this. I don’t know what you’ve all been through; I definitely have no right to tell you that you shouldn’t commit suicide. But what I can tell you is that you’re not crazy. You’re not exaggerating. But most of all, you’re not alone. You’re probably thinking, ‘I’ve heard all this, there’s no point, she doesn’t understand’. You’re right, I don’t understand. But there is something […]
Reality suck , Real Life suck , Real World suck . why human’s Imagination is much better & interesting than this everyday’s boring reality ??
I hate life, I hate people / humans, I hate reality, I hate this world.
its very boring, and especially nowadays become only very materialistic, money / profits driven only, all about money, superficial, shallow, and mundane boring!
Why movies, video games, comics, books, novels, anime/manga, creative Art, basically human’s IMAGINATION & fantasy is often/always a hundred times FAR much more interesting & better than this sad, mundane, boring, superficial, & very LIMITING life / world / reality ??…
does God (if there is indeed one…!) play such a cruel sick joke for especially creating human’s IMAGINATION inside our heads?? .. especially often the very creative, artistic, […]
I hate life, I hate people / humans, I hate reality, boring & mundane, nothing that interesting!
I hate life. I hate people. I hate this world. I hate reality / real world / real life, they are all too boring/mundane for me, and I’ve found almost nothing that is interesting in this reality/real-life/real-world anymore, also in MOST people/humans!
the majority or MOST of human beings/people in this world I’ve found to be either a bunch of stupid, shallow, superficial, ignorant, selfish, rigid, stoic, lifeless, uninteresting, uncreative, and/or boring / mundane ones.
maybe that’s why this “reality” (or “real world” / “real life”) or our society currently is sooo f*cked up now almost beyond help!
with only VERY FEW exceptions of: real-GOOD, honest humans/people, real […]
I hate this boring, bored reality / real life / real world, I hate this life, this LIMITED world, and I hate people/humans ..!!
Movies, books, video games, novels, comics, anime/manga, etc etc, basically human’s IMAGINATIONS is a hundred times FAR much more interesting than this very LIMITING reality / real-world / real-life here in this world!
and what’s even worse is that most (about 90%) of humans / people I meet & know everyday are mostly stupid, shallow, superficial, mundane/boring, money and profits and image driven only, ignorant,.. mostly human beings especially today these days are much more bad & hopeless ..!!
(there are -thankfully/luckily?- only FEW humans/people that I like, eg: the very creative/imaginative & ‘other-worldly’ artists who created/made all those awesome fantasy, sci-fi stories, novels, books, […]
It’s been 3 years since i last made a post on here about my depression. Let’s just say I’m the happiest I’ve really ever been. I coped with my depression by exercising and being healthy, doing so I lost 20 pounds in the process which I am happy about. When year 10 of school started I decided I would try something risky and I did. I tried out for the foreign exchange program to go overseas. With the risky decision I succeeded and am now going to Germany in July. And this is all because I found a way to cope with my depression and […]
I dont know what to do anymore. I feel as if walls are caving in on me. People hate me. And you know what? I hate me too. People that are around me think I have the perfect life. Im a cheerleader. I make good grades. I make everyone happy. Nothing can be wrong with me! But there is something wrong with me. I feel as if everyone around me hates me. Im not mad at them for that. I dont know what to do anymore. Im just done.
I’ve never liked when someone asked me how i was feeling because it seems like no one understood that i didn’t have the answer to that question. People only see emotions as black or white and they don’t realize the grey area that is between. People get frustrated with me because i always answer ”i don’t know” to that question and they ask ”how can you not know what you’re feeling?” well i don’t get it either because sometimes i don’t just feel sad or happy. I can’t even tell them that i feel numb because they wouldn’t understand that either. ”How can you feel […]
After playing video games for a while I decided to take a nap and I had a nightmare about my time in the hospital and I ended up waking everyone up with my screaming (I occasionally talk in my sleep) and my mother keeps bringing it up… I told myself that I would stop cutting but again I failed :p I suck but whatever. Hey at least I admit it! 🙂 Anyway I’ve decided to kill myself but I keep pushing it back. I don’t know when but I don’t want it to be spontaneous because then i’ll make a mistake and have […]