Took about 20 iron pills around 11:00pm yesterday from all the crap my parents put me through. I thought I would die in my sleep. Until I found out today I will die a slow death when I woke up today and researched it . I’m transitioning from stage one to 2 soon. It would take me about 3 days to die give or take if I’m not in a coma. Well it could take a week that I could die from an overdose. I told my mom after I woke up. She made me puke up everything several times after drinking loads of water. Though that was after 6 hours of ingestion. It was a strange feeling. I hesitated in swallowing the pills before, I don’t know what came over me. After I swallowed the pills, I could hear my heart race. My arm was feeling numb. Chills slowing creeping into my body, it was like putting Bengay in your veins. I was fully aware of my surroundings, but I was tired. I lost my ability to cry at that moment. My mom told my dad and he pitched a fit. My parents allowed me to go to work and after I got home (after 2 hours) we had a long talk. If I had died, I would have killed my dad too. Eventually we made up, but I haven’t been in a hospital yet. Right now I’m eating something. It’s been a whole day since I could digest solid food without puking it back up (involuntarily). I might be able to make it through. Seeing how I was already on fish pills and I was a bit anemic in the first place. But it depends if I survive within the week. Hosiptals are expensive and they won’t help you much in this area. I guess my life is in God’s hands now. Maybe he’ll give me a break and let me live. I’ll give it 2 weeks. I’ll update everyday for each day I’m still alive after this post. If I managed to do that, I’ll live. If not…well it’s been fun while it lasted.
Slow death
written by MaybeGodStillLikesMe
Well i’m glad you lived, im proud that you told your parents, please keep trying to get better!
Iron pills are different from painkillers. You can’t really get them out of your system. Still, I have to wait at least 2 weeks until I’m in the clear.
I hope you make it through.
Good luck. Hope you pull through.