The love of my life lives in Kansas….I live in North Carolina. We have been off and on for almost a year now. We got back together about 2 months ago then he broke up with me. I fell back into cutting and pills. He swore he didn’t like anyone else, it was just the distance. He asked out my best friend 2 days after he told me that. I want to fucking hate him so much….but I can’t. He doesn’t know I know. I promised him I wouldn’t cut or get high…..yet my arm is filled with new scars and my pill bottles are empty. I did tell him I was going to kill myself as soon as I get a chance. I mean what the fuck does he care? He’s lied to me before, how do I know he’s not lying now?
I think there is probably nothing I could say that would make you feel better.
But I am sure of one thing, and I could bet my life on it. He is not worth it.
I find that the hardest of a relationship, when it ends, is the fact that we still have hope for it to get fixed, so we stay hooked to that hope.
There is plenty of guys and I am sure you could get a better one. Don’t kill yourself over him.
It’s not your fault. It his, if he wants to be with you, he should be with you, and not asking your best friend out. If he doesn’t want to be with you. He should just say it.
Instead he keeps you wondering.
I know how you feel, I could never break up, even if I knew I was being a fool by not doing so. So make him break up with you. Tell him what he did, and make him be honest.
it does not matter what he says. It is not your fault. You could be the worst person of the world, or the best person of the world. He is the one that tells you one thing and then does another.
I could never break up, but once I got him to be honest with me, I felt i could let go. And i could understand better it wasn’t my fault. They Keep you hooked, like a backup. I am not saying he doesn’t have feelings for you, but if he does, he should act upon it, and stop playing games.
I hope i was helpful in some way. Just remember it is not your fault, it’s his, and i could bet my life on it.
Thanks for the advise. He’s not the only reason but he’s a big one. We broke up and then 2 days afterwards he asked out my best friend though. I want to hate him but I can’t..have you ever had that feeling?
Yes, I have had that feeling. I mean, you can be super angry at him and all, but you love him anyway.
Try to see him for what he really is though. He has lied to you, and he doesn’t act upon his words. He might be a good person and all. But he is not good for you.
I remember i would think of the nice times we had, and the plans we had. But it is pointless. You can never know the future. those plans may never have come anyway.
I can tell you for sure, there is going to be other men in your life. It is the way it works it seems, jeje.
I try to take from each experience, the best I can. I know now it seems hard, but as the days go, you will feel better. Don’t think about him, if a thought of him comes, just push it away and think of something else. Doing different stuff helps. Reading a book maybe, even playing games. But the most important, dont blame yourself.
It is not your fault. And if you think of it, it is not good either to hate him, what for? Is it worth it? No. The best you can do it is just to forget about him. And love is a nice feeling, even if you are not with him in the end, you had nice moments, and you had that nice feeling, not everyone has experienced that. And you know it is worth it. And because it is, hang on, and you will see someone else will show up and will rock your world. And probably all will be better. Because you have grown and you know yourself better, and what it is really worth it and what not.
I don’t think it’s the long distance that made him break up with you, I think he might
Have been the wrong guy for you, especially if he decided to ask your best friend out after two days of ending your relationship, this guy sounds like he wasn’t a good boyfriend at all, I’m sorry you you have fallen in love with such a inconsiderate man like him, you should get back on your feet and try to find a man that will truly love you as much as you love him, or maybe you should take a break on dating and try to find happiness within yourself before you look for happiness in someone else, if anyone leaves you again at least you won’t feel like your life depended on him, and you’ll still be happy by yourself