Bare with me, I don’t do this kind of thing a lot. Ever, really. I’m 15, female. I started cutting when I was 12. My mom and older brother were fighting all the time, not like arguing either, like throwing chairs at each other. He hit her and made threats. I didn’t feel safe. He pushed me around a little but nothing major. My mom was also mostly living with her abusive boyfriend at the time, staying at his house with his family. I hated that. She left me home with my Bi-Polar drugged out father and younger brother, whom I basically raised. After several months a classmate told her about the cutting. I went to 4 therapy sessions and that was that. I kept cutting. At age 15, this past February, I stole some of my dads pills, went to the park, took them, and tried to hang myself. Someone saw me and called my mom, she picked me up. I slept off the pills and she took me to 2 therapy sessions. The day after the suicide attempt she made a joke about it. I didn’t think it was funny… I’m still cutting, and I want to kill myself. Am I just an attention whore? She doesn’t seem to care at all. Nobody does. I don’t feel like I have anybody in the world. I feel alone. I feel empty. I no longer really feel any emotion. I can’t.
I tried taking my life twice. And spoiler alert, I’m still alive.
I’m 17, and a guy.
I know you are a cutter and I don’t approve of that intirely, but I understand why it is done.
Offten I joke about my suicide attempts because that is how I coap, but I understand most are not like me, so I totally get where you are coming from.
In terms of your older brother and mum, I am so sorry about that. I wish I could just take it all away and give you a normal life, but the past has been done, and has hurt you deeply. Please stay alive. I understand you are hurting and it is not my decision, but please?
And to answer your question, no you are not being an attention whore, as you would call yourself.
Email me if you want. I’m 17 and not some creeper, I promise. My email address is:
Your friend,
Please messege me were like exactly the same