I have set a new termination date, and I plan to depart next week. Hopefully this time I do not screw up and end up still alive. I feel trapped, and that I have to make this decision. Although I have been depressed and suicidal for the past seven years, I feel as though my feelings have catalyzed within the past few weeks. I’m sick and tired of always being sick and tired. Sick and tired of being a stupid, worthless,and hated burden on those that are around me. I am nothing more than a failure. I don’t even know why I am posting my goodbye on here, it’s not like anyone is going to care or even notice that I am gone. Regardless, I cannot do this anymore, I quit. Guess life is another thing that I have failed in. Like I said, I am nothing but a failure and a disappointment to everyone. So I guess this is goodbye.
How do you plan on going this time around?
Well, I’ve read your post and I care enough to comment, your previous posts show how worthless you feel you are and I can’t change that, however, I doubt it’s true. You say you’ve been depressed and suicidal for the past seven years so that might make you feel worthless and a burden to others. You don’t mention how you’re trying to combat the depression, therapy/meds. All I can say is that I do hope you change your plans this week, as difficult as you find life, I’m asking you to keep trying. After seven years with depression you may feel you should disregard what I say, and I can’t change how you feel, only to listen.
I tried antidepressants for two years before I was finally taken off of them after a previous suicide attempt. As far as therapy goes, I cannot afford it even though I wish that I could. Thank you for listening.
I haven’t taken any antidepressants myself although the doctor wanted me to, therapy, it’s the understanding that helps, finding the right person. Just to know someone does take an interest, to say it’s okay, even for a while, last time I used a phone helpline and I will again. If you do attempt again and fail will you just keep trying, you need to find someone to speak to. I see you’ve tried hanging, will you try that again, It was trying to find the best way to hang myself that I found this site, it’s helped me although I still feel low a lot of the time. You do talk a lot about being a burden, worthless, useless, words I’ve used to describe myself, but I also use caring, thoughtful, and kind, do you feel those also describe you. I hope you can gain something from my comment, hanging isn’t nice, I found that out, please think carefully, and just keep talking if you can.
I know how you feel. I have been battling depression and suicidal thoughts for years on and off and I do plan to go somedy in the not so distant future.
I hope you find peace.
I hope you have really thought things threw and have a secure plan
it can be really bad to attept suicide and have it not work out and wind up in the hospital