Why Dreams is better than reality?
Why is Dream better than reality?
Why is dreams better than reality? Why dream is better than reality?
What puzzles me the most is human’s mind / human’s brains and imagination better than reality / human’s fantasy is better than reality.
for example:
just look at the movies, novels, comics, games, books, , animations (anime / manga), science fiction (sci-fi / sci fi), fantasy , like Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Swords Art Online, MMORPG , Interstellar , The Matrix , Avengers , X-Men , etc etc, they are much more interesting, full of POSSIBILITIES & varieties / variations, and better than reality / BORING reality / real life / real world !
Our everyday’s Reality / real-life / real-world is boring, mundane, dull, LIMITED / full of LIMITATIONS, and often we fantasize / fantasy I wish I live in the movies, video games, novels, comics, books, anime / manga, etc etc , than this Reality / real life / real world !
Why dreams better than reality?
Why dream is better than reality?
Why dreams are better than reality ?
Why our human’s BRAIN / human’s MIND and human’s IMAGINATION is better than boring REALITY ??
WHY ?? …
(PS: I need SERIOUS and detailed answers. not stupid, ignorant answers. thank you).
(PSS: also, how many of you here also have heard about: Virtual Reality (VR) , Lucid Dreaming , Astral Projection ? I hope they are real, so I can leave this boring reality / reallife / realworld & enter worlds/universes of DREAMS / IMAGINATION .. ! )
1 comment
In our fantasies anything can happen. It can be whatever we want. we can’t choose reality, it’s forced upon us.